Raise your glasses and let us

Tiger Lily: I thinsh Ish already raished my glash too mush!
Zeus: Sshame here ol' gurl! I see food!
Tiger Lily: Thasth ish for Buddee! A preshant from Tiddler and Moonlight!
Zeus: Fish!!!! Ish don't care! Ish eats anything!

Buddee: Oh dear, those pups, you will have to pardon them,
they really are lovely little souls:)
It only happens at Christmas:)

Pinkie: Oh!Oh! I think some friends are coming by!
Look, there is Brownie in his elfs outfit
and Newman as Santa Paws, don't they look cute!
Please visit Brownie,Newman and all the Kitties at The Tygers Den
they will make you very welcome!

Buddee: Yo! A Wiseman appears! No, it's Tiddler in her Wiseman's costume!
And she is following the star too!
Pinkie: Brrrh, it's chilly, oh LOL, it's Moonlight dressed as a Snowman!
I hope they send us the address to their party, so we can let everyone know!

And a beautiful card from my darling Wedwink-to-be Bandit!
Thank mew Sweetheart:).

Buddee: Yes and a card from our dear friend Bitzy and everyone at the Castle!

The Pups: Oh our friend Pepe's card is here!

The Gang!: We all colored in this pretty stocking
from the CLAW Advent Calendar!

Zeus & Tiger Lily: Ooooh!Look at Brownie & Newman
on the card from The Tygersden!
Dressed as an elf and Santa Klaus!
All the Kitties look so cute too in their Santa Hats:)

Pinkie and I are going to the TCMC Fancy Dress
Christmass Ball!

Buddee: I am going as The Nutcracker!

Pinkie: Here I am as a snowflake!

We would all love to wish all our Friends everywhere
a wonderful, safe and very
Buddee, Pinkie, Zeus, Tiger Lily, Monet and Mary:)

Please take this little card with our love:)

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