Pinkie I goofed! Muddled the international times! We have missed the show!
You sure have Bud! Maths is not your best subject:) What are we going to do now?
As the two cats stand in the deserted Circus enclosure,just as a distant clock strikes midnight there is a huge flash of lightning. It is HALLOWEEN!! Suddenly they are transported into the center ring and a ghostly apparition appears! "I am the ghost of Ring Masters Past, come with me and we will ride the ghost train together! It is Halloween,prepare to be SCARED this will be the scariest ride of your lives!" It wails as it leads the two shaking cats outside to the deserted Fun Grounds and straight to the Ghost Train!
"Buddee this is scary and exciting too". "It sure is Pinkie, we shall certainly have something to tell the Puppies when we get home". "If we get home Buddee, do you think we shall have to stay here forever?". "No, of course not! Just for Halloween! And I think I see quite a few friends arriving." "Yes," cackles the ghost,"I called them up on my cell phone, we ghosts are right up there with the latest technology hee hee hee, I thought they would like to be SCARED too!".
"Eeeeeeeeeeeh! Buddee, there are skkkkelletons dancing over there! My teeth are chhatering". I feel that eyes are watching me, Pinkie".
Al, how did we get here? Ghosts Troubie my sweet! It is Halloween! Yes and there is a skull moving over there, with Buddee's name by it! I sure hope he's o.k. and not *shiver* the skull now! Awh Troubie he's just fine, he's with Pinkie in that car! Shall we join them? It will be scary but fun!
Oooooh Al, hold me tight,I predict this will be a very scary ride! I'll protect you Troubie. Are you looking into your crystal ball my precious, because I can definitely see a strange man writing everything down!
Firefly, I thought there would be other clowns at the circus but there is a horrible scary demon instead! Hold my paw Ashley, I will breath fire on him and hope he goes away! If you breath fire we may all catch fire, maybe I could kick him away!. Hey! There's a ghost train Ashley! Lets go for a ride!
Ashley, I don't think you managed to kick that demon away, he is right alongside us! I know and there is a coffin with bats too, I wonder if they are scared of Dragons, coz then you could ROAR at them! I think I am too scared to roar, I can only just meow!
Booger precious, there is a HUGE bat over there! Do they eat spiders? Errrkk, Eeeeeek, I am not too sure Cosette my love but I will protect you with all my eight legs! Maybe we should get into the ghost train and ride away, just to be sure!
Cosette, there is a skeleton in a web over there! Do you think he is the remains of a spider?. Boogie I'm not sure but maybe that is his ghost I can see, this is sooooo scary!.
Mack! Is that a caveman over there with that axe? Or he is a GHOST? I'm not sure Little Girl but there sure is a lot of blood, if he comes closer I shall club him! Don't worry my sweetie, I'll protect you! Though I think that train ride is just what we need now, to escape!
Mackie, I think the ghost is still following us, please hold me tightly, I am scared! I'll club him sweetheart and then he will look just like that skeleton hanging around over there!
All the cats are having fun on the ride, it is definitely very scary and as they step down from their cars another scary sight greets them! All is well though it is just Ms. Pinkie handing out their Souveniers!
A surprise guest has arrived! "BANDIT! You little devil", laughs Pinkie "you gave me such a start!". "Nothing to what you gave me Pinkie my precious!" I thought you had really lost your head" "Only over you my darling Bandit"

Special thanks to Tiddler for her help:)

Special thanks also to Smokey Girl and E.T. who made the "Buddee Blinkie" as a Halloween Gift!